How to Grow Blueberries in Containers

How to grow blueberries in containers

Growing blueberries in containers are so easy and effective that you may want to give it a try even if you have enough room for a garden in the soil for this antioxidant-rich fruit. Plants can thrive and bear fruit in containers in any area that receives full sunlight.

Know that growing blueberries in pots (or anywhere else) requires patience. Like most fruit-producing species, it can take several years for the plant to bear fruit.

1. Steps to grow Blueberry in Container

How to Grow Blueberries in Containers

1.1. Choose Containers and Blueberry Plants

Highbush blueberries prefer to be planted in well-prepared soil in the soil but with proper planting and care, they can be planted in containers.

Choose large weatherproof containers that have good drainage such as wooden barrel growers. Adult blueberries need containers at least 24 inches deep and about 24-30 inches wide.

When planting smaller shrubs, start with smaller containers and bother when growing. Bother in late summer-early autumn so that the roots have enough time to grow before winter.

1.2. Choose Plants

Do not expect to harvest blueberries in the first year. If you buy a 1-year-old plant, remove the flowers when they appear in the spring so that the plant can concentrate its energy on root growth.

It takes about 5 years for the plant to fully produce berries. Planting other varieties in separate containers will encourage cross-pollination as long as they bloom at the same time. This will improve the results.

1.3. Prepare the Soil

Use a 50-50 mix of potting soil and peat moss as your growing medium. Wet it thoroughly before placing it in the container. If the bush is tied into a pot, gently tease the roots to encourage the expansion of the roots into the potting medium.

Place the blueberries in the potting medium and plant them to the same depth as in the container. Then water it well.

1.4. Plants the Blueberries

Place the container in full sunlight, but protection from the afternoon sun may be necessary.

1.5. Avoid Fertilizers Containing Nitrates or Chlorides

Avoid fertilizers containing nitrates or chlorides. Blueberries need acid-based fertilizers. Fertilizer containers in early spring before the leaves expand.

1.6.Blueberries Very Sensitive to Dry Conditions

Blueberries are very sensitive to dry conditions. Keep the container watered and the soil moist evenly. If the container is placed on a hard surface, place it on top of the bricks for drainage.

1.7. Close The Top Using a Bush

Cover the bushes with a bird net or floating row cover, when the berries are just beginning to ripen.

1.8. Season-By-Season Controls

During the winter months (December-March), containers should be placed in sheltered locations, protected from winter winds.

Adapted from Growing Blueberries the Easy Way–In Pots by Anne DeMarsay, Ph.D.

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2. Frequently Asked Questions

2.1. Do blueberries grow well in containers?

Growing blueberries in containers are so easy and effective that you might want to try it even if you have enough in-ground garden space for this antioxidant-rich fruit. The plants can thrive and bear fruit in containers in any area that receives full sun.

2.2. Can you grow blueberries in a 5-gallon bucket?

Another growing medium that works well is a mix of two parts coir (shredded coconut husks used in the greenhouse industry), two parts sphagnum peat moss, and one part perlite. Mix all ingredients well. Fill a five-gallon container with whichever mix you decide to use, and plant a single blueberry plant in the container.

2.3. Are used coffee grounds good for blueberry bushes?

Coffee grounds are highly acidic, they note, so they should be reserved for acid-loving plants like azaleas and blueberries. And if your soil is already high in nitrogen, the extra boost from coffee grounds could stunt the growth of fruits and flowers.

2.4. How much space does a blueberry plant need?

You can plant blueberry bushes as close as 2 or 2.5 feet apart to form solid hedgerows or space them up to 6 feet apart so they grow individually. If you plant in rows, allow 8 to 10 feet between the rows.


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